Modern Hospital Alarm and Response Planning
Hospitals are specialized healthcare enterprises that operate either for profit or as a public legal entity. Crisis management in hospitals is also known as "hospital alert and response planning" (german: Krankenhaus Alarm- und Einsatzplanung KAEP), this has its roots in the need to increase treatment capacity. Examples of this are mass casualty incidents (MCI) or sick cases, where the hospital has to care for significantly more patients than in regular operation. Also described in the KAEP are measures to deal with functional failures, such as power outages. Hospital processes require personnel as well as resources embedded in an organization. Support from resources such as electricity, water, sewage, hygiene, IT, materials, medicines, etc. is required with the highest availability. Organizational, billing and documentation processes occur in parallel. The intersection between a hospital and a company from a business continuity management perspective is therefore very large. The Criticality Ordinance of [...]