Totally normal? The BCM standards at a glance

By |2021-09-06T12:36:29+02:00 6 September, 2021|Interest|

What is actually normal? - Normal" is the term used to describe what is usual or what corresponds to the expectation. Something is also called "normal" if it conforms to a norm. A norm is generally seen as something very rigid, but a crisis is anything but. Above all, it is dynamic, constantly evolving, and does not seem to be manageable with a rigid solution. So how can a norm be used in a crisis? And why should a functioning business continuity management (BCM) standard be used as a foundation? A standard can help manage a crisis, especially if it is designed to be very flexible, like DIN EN ISO 22301. It provides a framework for building resilient structures that are necessary for crisis management. In addition, preparedness is also an essential contribution that DIN EN ISO 22301 provides for BCM, so that crises can even be prevented [...]