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Cyber Attack: Effective Reaction

By |2019-07-18T12:55:06+02:00 5 January, 2019|Uncategorized|

Preparing for cyber attacks is often a shortcoming in many organizations. In this article, we look at how to develop an effective incident response plan and give an overview of five steps that should be taken during an incident. It's the call that IT teams fear: An employee reports that his PC screen is flashing red with a message telling him that his files are encrypted and that he has to pay a ransom to decrypt them. What should they do next? The actions the company takes in the next few minutes and hours will determine how large - or small - the impact of the cyber attack will be. In addition, a cyber attack not only negatively impacts the company's physical IT systems, it also causes stress and puts pressure on employees. A recent paper published by the University of Haifa found that cyber attacks have a [...]

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What is behind ISO 22301:2012?

By |2019-07-17T13:25:13+02:00 16 November, 2018|Uncategorized|

The ISO standard ISO 22301:2012 was published in May 2012. It is the world's first international standard for Business Continuity Management (BCM) to help organizations reduce the risk of business interruption from any source. The International Standard replaces the British Standard BS 25999. ISO Standard 22301 specifies the requirements for planning, establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, checking, maintaining and continuously improving a documented continuity management system in order to prepare for, react to and recover from business interruptions. The requirements specified in ISO 22301 are general, analogous to ISO 31000, because they should be applicable to organisations (or parts thereof) of any kind, regardless of size or industry. The scope of applicability of the defined requirements depends on the operating environment and complexity of the organisation. ISO 22301 is applicable to all organizations that: want to set up, implement, maintain and improve a BCM; want to ensure compliance [...]

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