You can’t not communicate. If you don’t talk to the outside world, they will talk about you. Always keep the upper hand in communication with your employees, customers, shareholders and the public. In addition, use modern communication channels as an important source of information.

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Good communication is an important component of any crisis management and the key to internal and external perception of the organization. Crisis communication and crisis management often require fast, yet considered action. Both internally and externally, honesty and transparency are of paramount importance. They often decide on the long-term consequences of an incident solely on the basis of perception.

Internal Crisis Communication

Crisis communication begins with the communication within the crisis management team itself and other departments or local task forces. Targeted action is only possible if all those involved in crisis management have all the necessary information at their disposal. Employees who are not involved in crisis management but are affected must also be involved in communication. This not only serves to coordinate efforts and decision-making, but also de-escalates existing fears and rumours. In addition, there are bright minds in every company who can contribute good ideas to coping with crises. Therefore, the return flow of communication has to be catered for. In addition, it is utopian to believe that no internal information reaches the outside world. Therefore, the combination of internal and external crisis communication is crucial.

External Crisis Communication

Communication in the globally networked world has a completely different speed and penetrating power than classical public relations work is used to. A Shitstorm is a fast growing phenomenon and needs to be handled quickly and carefully. The influence of internal employees must always be taken into account. Social Media is therefore not only an outgoing channel, but also an often underestimated source of information.

External communication has an impact on customers, shareholders and therefore possibly the stock price, suppliers, residents and more. Untruths have short legs here. This is why coordination within and with the crisis management team is so important.

For some time now, there has no longer been any one-sided communication via ordinary press releases, but rather a dialog with the outside world.

We offer you:

• Ad-hoc help with crisis communication in concrete incidents
• Ad-hoc social media tracking to obtain information about a specific incident
• Crisis communication trainings
• Staff exercises with (partial) focus on social media
• Development of a tailor-made communication strategy
• Integration of communication into existing BCM processes
• Evaluations and analyses