Business Resilience Blog2020-05-15T09:23:44+02:00

Integration of ISO standards and business continuity management under the umbrella of KTQ

The "Cooperation for Transparency and Quality in Healthcare", (german: Kooperation für Transparenz und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen, KTQ), offers a voluntary certification system, according to which hospitals and other companies in the healthcare sector can be certified. Here, certification according to KTQ offers multiple advantages, as it is specifically tailored to [...]

Modern Hospital Alarm and Response Planning

Hospitals are specialized healthcare enterprises that operate either for profit or as a public legal entity. Crisis management in hospitals is also known as "hospital alert and response planning" (german: Krankenhaus Alarm- und Einsatzplanung KAEP), this has its roots in the need to increase treatment capacity. Examples of this are [...]

I think I´m having a crisis

The concept of crisis in everyday language use and the actual definition. Crisis is a frequently used term, but it has different meanings. Similarly, emergency and disaster are often used in different contexts. The map of terms shows the escalation of an event to a disaster. An event can be [...]

By | 8 September, 2021|Categories: Interest|Tags: , , , , |

Corruption is no issue in our company – Really?

Corruption generally describes a decline in morals that is based on the fact that an expectation is violated. This expectation is defined by a trust provider (a company, the public, etc.), which establishes a behavioral expectation. Corruption describes the visible breach of trust when these behavioral expectations are not met. [...]

Totally normal? The BCM standards at a glance

What is actually normal? - Normal" is the term used to describe what is usual or what corresponds to the expectation. Something is also called "normal" if it conforms to a norm. A norm is generally seen as something very rigid, but a crisis is anything but. Above all, it [...]

Emergency drills – stumbling blocks and importance

Due to multiple threat possibilities (e.g. natural phenomena, increasing dependencies on information technology, international terrorism, blackouts, pandemics, etc.), emergency drills are an important tool to prepare a company/organization for such scenarios. Only those who are prepared and feel prepared can handle an emergency adequately and in a timely manner. If [...]

By | 31 August, 2021|Categories: News, Safety|Tags: , , , , , |
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